The Effective Counselor of Adolescents
The Effective Counselor of Adolescents
Some current counseling theories are based upon psychology and emphasize the developmental process of adolescents. Although this is appropriate and helpful to study, the theological and biblical grounding for counseling is often non-existent or diminished in the counseling process. How do you differentiate between secular approaches and biblical approaches to counseling youth? How are the goals of each different? In what ways can we conscientiously use Scripture to assist the effective counseling moment? Are there pitfalls associated with the use of Bible verses in counseling? What is the most effective method of integrating biblical principles into the counseling process for adolescents?
Your replies should relate the issues discussed in the threads to 2 biblical principles and relative experience. For each thread, you should support your assertions with at least 2 citations and each reply should include at least 1 citation in current APA format. Appropriate sources include the textbook, the Bible, etc.