Mia Week 1 Assignment

Take Statement 2 and create an individual risk management plan. 
(Statement 2.) Opening of 10 new Starbucks in the next twelve(12) months in three states, Arizona, Ohio and Florida, with planned scheduled openings for the first quarter are 2 in Miami and 1 Ohio, second quarter 1 Phoenix, 2 Flagstaff Arizona, third quarter 2 Tampa Florida and fourth quarter 1 Tempe Arizona and 1 Tucson Arizona.
The projects include site selection to grand opening with an estimated budget of $500,000.00 to $600,000.00 per location with a timeline of 4 months to grand opening within each designated quarter.
Due to the magnitude of the project the project should be a minimum of 7-8 pages not including title page and any references, which is only a fraction of the length of the scope statements for these projects would be.
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