Applied Ethics Case

Applied Ethics Case

Develop a one page (single spaced) Case Study that presents a real-world professional ethics dilemma based on your experience. Your dilemma should be about Professor-Student Relationship.  The following two quotes should illuminate the issue.

“If the modern teacher will think of himself not so much as a schoolmaster but as a life master doing from another angle what the social worker does in his sphere, then he will be striving for all the knowledge available which could help him in his task. He will try to educate a generation of youth which combines emotional stability with a flexible mind; yet he will only succeed if he is capable of seeing each of the problems of the new generation against the background o f a changing world”

Karl Mannheim

“Liberal tolerance, he writes, is a cover for cowardice because it encourages teachers to not deal with students as whole people. As professional teachers, we are often urged to deal only with parts of our students-the parts learning philosophy. We are cautioned against entering into full human relationships with students, with the admonition that to do so would be unprofessional. Refusing to care about what my students believe-being tolerant of all substantive beliefs-is part of this attitude of alienated and cowardly professionalism” 

Hugh Wilder

Please arrange the presentations in the following manner for uniformity of evaluation by peers. Use the words in BOLD CAPS as section headings for your study.

A. INTRODUCTION: Identify and describe the ethical dilemma or moral issue (not more than 125 words).

B. BACKGROUND: Provide any pertinent background information, including history of the problem in context, connection to other dilemmas in that workplace, or relationships that dictate constraints on, or opportunities for resolving the dilemma.

C. QUESTIONS: Provide at least two questions that need to be answered in order to address the dilemma.

D. DECISION: Do some brief research and provide a description of a decision-making model that can be used effectively in the resolution process. Provide a hyperlink to a source for this decision model.


Please remove personal identification information from the persons or institutions you discuss in your Case Study. You may create fictional names or use letters as variables for names, e.g., “Ms. Y”.