You will form a team of 3-4 people and work co-operatively
You will form a team of 3-4 people and work co-operatively to complete the chosen project. Your major group project report must consist of at least the following: A clear outline of the project including title, start and end date, goals and objectives, etc. Gather project requirements (both functional andnon-functiona Page 3 of 5 The envisaged project team members (title, skills/expertise, notnames!) Develop project plan o Determine projectscope § Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) o Estimate time for your project o Determine resource needs for yourproject o Draw a Gantt Chart and Network Diagram for yourproject o Estimate cost for your project o Plan Quality for yourproject o Stakeholder analysis for yourproject o Plan communications for yourproject o Plan project risksmanagement o Plan projectdeployment Use of Microsoft Project to complete WBS, allocate time and resources, apply cost, and prepare Gantt chart and Network Diagram. Project Signoff(page) Post project review andrecommendations Submission guidelines: The report should have a consistent, professional, and well-organized appearance. Create the report (Minimum 1800 Words) showing extensive use of MS Pro