Using the systematic review report completed for the first
Using the systematic review report completed for the first assignment, you are required to write an article for publication in a nursing journal. The first activity for this assignment is to identify a suitable journal to target with your article. The selection of a target journal will be determined by the nature and focus of your systematic review. If this is your first time writing an article for publication it may be best to select a local or national journal, or one produced by a professional organisation. If you have published before, you may like to consider an international nursing journal.This article should provide a summary of the topic, purpose, review method, findings and a discussion of the findings and the implications for practice or research. For most journals you will also be required to write an abstract that provides a succinct summary of the article.This assignment requires you to identify a journal suitable for the topic of your review and write an article summarising the findings of your systematic review. To do this, you must first find the journal’s ‘Information for Authors’. This will describe the expected format, length and style of referencing required for articles submitted to that journal. A copy of the Information for Authors document should be included when you submit your article to the course coordinator.While it is not part of the assessment, on completion of this course you may wish to consider actually submitting the article to the journal.ASSESSMENT 1: PROTOCOL OUTLINE Due Date: Semester 1 Week 3 Semester 2 Week 3 Weighting: 0% Length: 250 words (equivalent) Topic You are required to provide a protocol outline with your review question and inclusion criteria. You need to verify that there is not an existing systematic review that is current and of reasonable quality. You should include the review question, inclusion criteria and a brief description of your review methods. You will be provided with feedback about the suitability of your review topic and question. ASSESSMENT 2: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REPORT Due Date: Semester 1 Week 9 Semester 2 Week 10 Weighting: 70% Length: 5,000 words (equivalent) Topic You are required to conduct a systematic review of the literature on one aspect of your nursing practice and submit for assessment a 5000 word systematic review report. The focus of the systematic review must be negotiated with the course coordinator. A high standard of presentation is expected. A detailed review protocol should be developed in consultation with your supervisor prior to commencement of the systematic review. This protocol describes how the review is to be undertaken and the processes to be used. The systematic review report should provide a comprehensive summary of the review. This information should address the purpose of the review, the method, findings, discussion and implications. For further information about the format of this report, refer to Appendix 1.