The Project requires us to analyse social media data using

The Project requires us to analyse social media data using the knowledge obtained from thisunit with assistance from a computer based statistical package. For this project, we will focuson Twitter.MethodTo complete this project:1. Read through this specification2. Complete the data analysis required by the specification3. Write up your analysis using your favourite word processing/typesetting program,making sure that all of the working is shown and that is it presented well.4. Include the student declaration text on the front page of your report. Please make surethat your name and student number is clearly displayed on the front page.5. Submit the report as a PDF by the due date. The project report is due in by 11:59 p.m. onthe Friday of week 15/05/19.The report must be submitted as a PDF file using the assignment submission facilities in the.Report Format Once the required analysis is performed, write up the analysis as a report.Remember that the assessor will only see the report and will be marking the analysis basedon your report.Therefore the report should contain a clear and concise description of the procedures carriedout, the analysis of results, and any conclusions reached from the analysis. The requiredanalysis in this specification covers material presented in lectures and labs.Students should use the computer software R to carry out the required analysis and thenpresent the results from the analysis in the report.1Marks This project is worth 30% of your final grade, and so the project will be marked outof 30. The project consists of five parts where each part contributes equally to your finalmark. There are five parts to the project, each will be marked using the following criteria:Marks Criteria Satisfied 0 The method does not lead to insightful analysis. 1 The method isflawed, but the analysis would have provided insight had the method been correct.2 The method provides the reader with some understanding of the data.3 The correct method leads to partially correct results and analysis.4 The correct method leads to correct results and analysis.5 The correct method leads to correct results and analysis, with an insightful aim andconclusion