the number of grams of KNO3 that will dissolve in 100g of

the number of grams of KNO3 that will dissolve in 100g of H2O at100 celsius.the number of grams of water required to dissolve 20g of KNO3 at100 Celsius.the number of grams of water required to dissolve 2.0 g CuSO4 * 5H2O at 100 celsiusthe number of grams of water required at 100 celsius to dissolve amixture containing 20 g KNO3 and 2.0 g CuSO4*5H20 assuming that thesolubility of one substance is not affected by the presence ofanother.Answers to part 1: KNO3: 247g dissolves in 100 cu cm water at 100C CuSO4*5H2O: 203.3g dissolves in 100 cu cm water at 100CLet CuSO4*5H2O, copper sulfate pentahydrate, be called CSPa) 247gb) 20gKNO3 x 100cucmH2O/247gKNO3 = 8.1 cu cm H2Oc) 20gCSP x 100cucmH2O/203.3gCSP = 9.8 cucm H2Od) 9.8 cu cm H2O, because that is the amount needed to dissolve theCSP, and more than enough to dissolve the KNO3.Part 2. to the solution in problem 1d at 100 celcius, 15 g of waterare added, and the solution is cooled to 0 much KNO3 remains in solution? how much KNO3 crystallizes out? how much CuSO4*5H2O crystallizes out? what percent of KNO3 in the sample is recovered