Numbers don’t lie. Or, do they?

Have you heard the phrase numbers don’t lie? In many cases, that may be true. If we are measuring height and your height is 5 feet 9 inches and the next person comes along to measure you and you are 5 feet 9 inches, and then a 3rd person comes along and you are 5 feet 9 inches… you are probably 5 feet 9 inches? But, what is the data is not that simple. For example, let’s say your data says the customer satisfaction scores at your practice are low but your patient census is increasing by 10% per month. How do we interpret that data?
Please watch the video below for a brief explanation of types of data.

For this assignment, you will be presented with 2 sets of data. The first set will be the results of an employee satisfaction survey and the second will be the results of a patient satisfaction survey. You will evaluate the information provided and complete the following questions:

Provide a brief summary (5 to 7 sentences) of the EMPLOYEE Survey Results. At first glance, what strengths and areas of concern do you see from the data?
Provide a brief summary (5 to 7 sentences) of the PATIENT Survey Results. At first glance, what strength and areas of concern do you see from the data?
Based on both sets of survey data, discuss the areas where the EMPLOYEE and the PATIENT data were similar.
Explain any contradictions in the data. Discuss the questions these contradictions in the data raise as to the credibility and validity of the information.
Based on the differences described in question 4, please discuss your “next steps” to provide

PLEASE click HERE for the Survey Results.
PLEASE click HERE for the Assignment template.

Your responses to the items below should be thorough, well-conceived college-level responses that are free of spelling and grammar errors.
Write your answers in complete sentences.
You must justify your responses with facts and details from the reading and your research on the topic.
Please be sure to include a minimum of ONE credible source in your assignment.
Please be sure to include an APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.
Create your assignment in a Microsoft Word document