MMK101 Assignment 1 Brief T1 2018 Segmentation, Targeting,

MMK101 Assignment 1 Brief
T1 2018
Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation, and Positioning
(20% of Final Grade)
Assignment 1: Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation and Positioning Strategy
Individually ONLY
20% of the final grade (marked out of 100)
Word limit
750 words (+/- 10%); Title page, table of content, reference list, tables and appendices are NOT included in the word count
Due date
Week 6, Saturday, 21 April 2018 @11.59pm AEDT
Where to submit
Via Turnitin link on Moodle Week 6 – Softcopy submission
Late submission penalty
5% of the available marks will be deducted each day for up to five days
Word Limit Penalty
5% of the available marks will be deducted for every 10% that the word limit (750 words -+ 10%) is exceeded by
Return Date
Week 8, Saturday, 5 May 2018 @5pm AEDT
Please note the following:
· Late Submission Penalty: If the assessment is submitted late without an approved extension from the Lecturer, a marking penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted each day for up to five days. If the assessment is submitted more than five days after the due date it will not be marked and be awarded zero (0%) for the task.
· Assignment must be submitted as a WORD document only. Assignments submitted using other files typesWILL NOT BE MARKED.
· This is a business report and MUST BEformatted using the template for Assignment 1. This can be found on Moodle under Resources and Assessment tab.
· You MUST use the brand that your lecturer has provided you in class in Week 3. Assessment that does not use the given brand willNOT BE MARKEDand be awarded zero (0%).
Brands available:
A) Sushi Sushi
B) Lush
C) Google Daydream Virtual Reality (VR)
Your lecturer will provide you with a brand in class in Week 3. Please make sure you use the brand for this assignment.
Your task is to:
1) identify two (2) new potential market segments for the brand
2) choose one (1) out of these two as a new target market for the brand by providing a detailed consumer profile
3) identify the best differentiation bases for the brand that will be appealing to the new target market
4) identify the best positioning strategy for the brand that will be appealing to the new target market by choosing the right value proposition, creating positioning map as well as positioning statement that will summarise your STDP strategy.
You must provide:
1) Cover page
2) Table of Content
3) Reference list
Section and Marks Breakdown:
Details (suggested breakdown of word limit and references are in brackets) 1
(100 words)
10 Background
Please provide a fully referenced background to this report that includes:
· An industry overview (min. 1 reference)
· Description of the company and their current market offerings (min. 1 reference) 2
(300 words)
35 Market Segmentation
Please provide a fully referenced overview of the segmentation bases that could be used by the brand in segmenting the market to identify a potential new market. Please note:
· Only focus on the relevant segmentation bases and provide a justification of why they are relevant and others are not
· Provide at least two (2) segmentation variables for each bases that you have proposed
· Provide two (2) appropriate new market segments for the brand to be used as potential target market
· Use a segmentation table to present these information
· Make sure that your new segments are in consumer market, NOT business market
· The segments MUST be in Australia (geographic segmentation base), NOT overseas 3
(150 words)
20 Market Targeting and Consumer Profile
From the two (2) new segments identified in Section 2, choose one (1) target market that would be best for the brand and provide a fully referenced justification of why the brand has to choose such target market. Please note:
· Choose only ONE (1) new target market and justify why they should be the new target market for the brand
· Provide a detailed consumer profile for the target market that you have chosen using the segmentation variables that you have discussed in Section 2 4
(200 words)
30 Differentiation and Positioning
Considering the target market that you have selected, discuss how you would differentiate and position the brand in the new target market’s minds (fully referenced). Please note:
· Consider the five (5) differentiation bases and justify the most appropriate ones (can be more than one) to discuss
· Suggest a new value proposition that will be relevant to the new target market
· Provide a positioning statement
· Illustrate where the brand should be positioned on a positioning map Reference List
(and General Communications)
5 Reference List and General Communications
· Use credible and relevant references (minimum of 5 different references (at least 2 being peer-reviewed references)
· Correct and consistent use of Deakin Harvard Referencing format
· Professional business report (avoid 1st person expression i.e. I, we, us
· Free of grammar and spelling mistakes
The breakdown of words are suggestions only. You may vary the words per section. The maximum word count (750 words +- 10%) is based on the total words of the submitted document.