Jewish Care (Victoria) Inc. (JCV) is the largest for-purpose
Jewish Care (Victoria) Inc. (JCV) is the largest for-purpose provider of aged and community services for the Jewish Community in Victoria, a population of 52,000. It aims to be accessible to all members of the Jewish Community and is positioned as the first point of call for support and assistance. It provides a vital ‘whole of-life’ range of professional care, services and facilities, including: • Individual & Family Support Services (I&FS): • Residential Aged Care • Active Living Services for elders in the community • Social support groups, centre based respite and allied health services • Disability Services • Holocaust Survivors Support Programs. The JCV I&FS division actively participates in the Jewish community of Victoria and the programs offered aim to alleviate the conditions of poverty and other conditions of disadvantage in the community. The education, mentoring and employment assistance programs are designed to equip individuals and families with essential tools to create a better life for themselves. Our social work support and provision of coordinated access to appropriate services within JCV, the community, social groups and from the government specifically targets situations of family or individual abuse, violence and safety. These areas are highly sensitive to the individuals involved and require a range of specialised skills and services to be available. Having a deep and rich understanding of the diverse and complex needs of a minority religion and close knit community particularly when managing matters of safety, places JCV in a unique position to respond more effectively than mainstream responses. JCV is continually improving and developing community support programs to deliver sustainable positive outcomes in people’s lives. We are deeply committed to improving the welfare of vulnerable people and to advocate for the unique needs of the community where they cannot be met or adequately understood by the mainstream system. As such, we have organisational strategic pillars striving to increase our innovation, service offerings and responsiveness to meet the needs in our specific community and the wider population.