ITC505: Stud Farms are Developing Quickly in the Country

ITC505: Stud Farms are Developing Quickly in the Country Zones of New South Wale – IT Project Management Assignment Help
Stud farms are developing quickly in the country zones of New South Wales since recent years. These Stud farms are producing breeding services as per client request. Records of their task and transaction are being kept on printed version, they are utilizing manual framework, for example, telephone or email to get bookings. They are keeping up their records and registers by following the Australian and International Measures.
With a specific end goal to make simple framework that is more exact and profitable in contrast with current manual framework, Globex has intended to put resources into the improvement of Online Stud Farm Management System. As per Globex’s viewpoint, their potential customers may be from New South Wales and some provincial farms of Australia. VIrtucon is been contracted by Globex for the development of OSFMS.
The framework ought to be planned in a way that the booking and payment framework for breeders should be through the web, while alternatives for booking through the telephone ought to likewise be accessible. The booking framework ensures to limit or maintain a strategic planning to minimize errors and give some extra options. Globex has distinguished breeding, Financial stats and Mobile features through application that are to be executed on Stud farming with the assistance of OSFMS. (“Online Stud Farm Management,” n.d., para. 1-5).
Team Communication
We have arranged our meetings on Friday 13 th July 2018 at Charles Sturt University study centre on 11am and second meeting was on Tuesday 24 th July 2018 on 1pm. All team members came up with research documentations and presented their opinions regarding project. We have done long discussion on it. All team members shared knowledge and ideas on how to initiate, plan and execute the current project. We discussed about our final goal and fix our values, roles and responsibilities, code of ethics and rules and expectation of working on project.
Furthermore, we all team members communicated through chat, video conferencing, phone calls and using social media. All the points considered in that meeting were documented by Parveen Kaur and were sent to all team members by email.
Team Rules and Expectation
Team Goal
Our team goal is to complete the project successfully in set period by solving any conflicts of ideas in team members. Previously, the negative experience I had with other projects were to fail because of conflicts in team members and changing of strategies. Anyhow, success comes from failures; thus, leads to find new ideas and learning cycles which can help at different difficult situations to lead projects successfully and makes you competent project leader.
Team Values
Our team value is to achieve the goal by sharing knowledge and information and providing new ideas with all team members and discussing how to plan, execute, monitor and control the project. To achieve this goal, we bring up some characteristics as our team values:
Sharing knowledge and learning to all team members
Trustworthy and being ethical in team
Respect and equal opportunities
Commitment with project work
Good communication skills
Eagerness and persistence
Appreciation and social knowledge
Code of Ethics
Ethical behaviour of all team members is must responsibility to achieve successful project. It is the duty of all team members to share relevant iformation and give recommendations by communicating in group chat or face to face meetings. All team members also confirmed that they will keep privacy and secret of all information they gathered about the project. Finally, all team members supposed to be punctual and committed with their work and must follow the rules and ethical behaviour while working in team. (PMI, 2015, January 22).
Rules and Expectation
All team members must participate and give equal contribution in progressing of project.
Sharing of efficient information and knowledge by communicating to all team members.
Presence of all team members is important in all meetings and group chats or calls. If somebody is not able to attend, then it should be notified by them.
Code of contact is necessary to follow, and all team members should respect to each other while communicating regarding project work.
Key responsibility of everyone; not to discuss irrelevant information in group.
(Virk, 2010).
PART 2: Learning Cycles
John Dewey in 1938 proposed the theory of learning cycle to help people learn by using proper tools. This helps people to avoid thinking over the certain situations for number of times. Furthermore, John Redding has suggested the following four phases in project management to achieve successful goal. (Marchewka, 2015, p.42)
Understand and frame the problem
Reflect and learn
In team learning record there are some fact assumptions and questions to be answered as follows
Way of communication within team members.
Clarification of final goal
Discussion about needs and resources in project
Plan and allocate work to all team members according to their expertise.
Find and verify shareholder or colleagues and pleasing the
Problems and solutions
Arranging meetings according to all team members timing was very difficult so communication in face to face meeting was a major issue. However, team members showed their sincerity towards project though attended all the meetings. So many conflicts and differences in ideas came up during project discussion meetings. We used the voting method to overcome this problem and reached at solution to complete project successfully.
Part 3: Communication Plan
It is the preparation which is must to get the desired results for your public relation projects. It is very important to Decisions
Way of communication within team members.
Clarification of final goal
Discussion about needs and resources in project
Plan and allocate work to all team members according to their expertise.
Find and verify shareholder or colleagues and pleasing them
Problems and solutions
Arranging meetings according to all team members timing was very difficult so communication in face to face meeting was a major issue. However, team members showed their sincerity towards project though attended all the meetings. So many conflicts and differences in ideas came up during project discussion meetings. We used the voting method to overcome this problem and reached at solution to complete project successfully.
identify the right communication tools, methods and launch them on time and at proper place. (SheaDavis, 2013).
Part 4: Reflection
I believe a person could be a good leader if he/she is very dedicated and determined to his/her organizational goals and very honest to his/her team members or colleagues. To become a leader a person should have vast interpersonal skills and should be self-denying. It is must to be a follower first to become a disciplined leader. No one could become a leader if he/she does not have experience and understanding about the project. A leader must have quality to guide, understand, motivate and reward his/her subordinates. A leader should have skills like emotional intelligence, good communication, decision making ability, motivational skills, guiding others, problem solving, persistence and possessing leadership guts etc. Allocation of tasks according to their expertise and encouraging team members is a basic role of a leader. As a project manager, I discussed to all team members and finalized the appropriate time and location. Furthermore, assigned the tasks according to their expertise. (“ICT Project Manager,” n.d., para. 2). After allocating tasks, I gave guidance and motivation to team members by encouraging them. Moreover, I considered their opinions and feed-backs to eliminate any possible errors which could arise during progression of the project.
ICT project manager should have some technical skills, schemes and methods to achieve a goal, especially in IT profession. Firstly, it is very important that the leader should have previous experience and knowledge about how communication and information system work. Secondly, ideas should be very clear to use technology and resources to satisfy clients requirements. In addition to these, ICT project manager must possess the following skills.
Efficient communication skills
Manage all team members
Planning of project and prioritizing the processes
Critical problem-solving skills
Decision making ability
Commitment regarding work