In your editor, open HTM_D-10.html from the IC3 folder where
In your editor, open HTM_D-10.html from the IC3 folder where you store your Data Files for this unit, enter your firstand last name and today’s date in the comment section, save the file asmuseums.html, then repeat forHTM_D-11.css, savingit asstyles.css.b.In styles.css, create a reset styles comment, then add a style rule that sets border, margin, and padding to 0 for thearticle,body,div,footer,header,h1,h2, andp elements.c.Set the maximum width of the element with theclass valuecontainer to 800px, then set its margins so theelement is centered horizontally in the browser window.d.Set the width of thearticle element to 60%, then set its margins so its content is horizontally centered betweenthe left and right edges of its parent element.