I want a Ph.D research proposal to get accepted in the

I want a Ph.D research proposal to get accepted in the communication and media Ph.D program. I want the research proposal to be about “underrepresentation and stereotypical portrayals of both females and males in different kinds of children’s media and their influence on child development and way of thinking.please answer these question in the proposal1. your research questionI thought about this “Until when theinequality of gender portrayal in children’s media is exist”In my study I will describe the problem and its influence and work to solve it.
2. Describe your project in broad terms (1000 word summary), including what method/s you intend to use to answer your research question.
3. What is the most relevant literature to use to contextualise your work (provide annotated citations for, say, 8 key texts)
4. What original contribution will your project make to knowledge and understanding?