I need help in my home work, it is 10 questions and I need
I need help in my home work, it is 10 questions and I need two paragraph for each question.25in;text-align:justify”>1)Discuss the pros and cons of companiesmandating survival Spanish for supervisors and coworkers2)Discuss the pros and cons of whether corporategive-back responsibility to a community should be profitable. Discuss your views on whether a corporationshould have the right to philanthropic (generous to a poor community) withoutthe express permission of the shareholders (the owners) of the company. 3)Discuss the pros and cons of the United Statesgovernment denying multi-million contracts to companies that fail to employenough African American and Asian workers.Discuss your perspectives on whether this policy creates adversity inthe workplace4)Discuss your perspectives as to why femalecorporate officers continually lag behind male officers. Discuss your views beyond traditional genderdiscrimination. 5)Discuss the pros and cons of the vanishingAfrican American male (African American females are flourishing through-out thelower ranks of corporations) through-out corporate America.6)Discuss your perspectives on hiring the “WiseLatina†(United States Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor who said prior toher current lifetime position “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with therichness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusionthan a white male who hasnâ€t lived that life.â€) if you discovered that herFacebook, Myspace or published work yielded the above statement. Discuss whether you would or would not employJustice Sonia Sotomayor in your organization.7)Discuss YOUR perspectives as to why men are nolonger watching network news now that women hold almost 60 percent of thenetwork anchor jobs. 8)Each year about 1,000,000 people are victimsof workplace violence. Discuss methodsof curtailing workplace violence. Discusswhether it is random or mostly initiated by or directed toward a specificgroup. 9)Discuss weight discrimination in theworkplace. Discuss your perspectives onoverweight job applicant discrimination.10) Discussyour perspectives on whether older workers create workplace tension becausethey are indifferent toward the abilities of their younger counterparts. Offer solutions that will alleviate this realor perceived workplace problem..25in;text-align:justify”>