HCS465 Phoenix Understanding and Conducting Research in The

Review steps covered in Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences this week, other readings, and resources, including the Methods Map Visual Search Tool from the University Library.
Complete the Research Process and Methods worksheet.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed or scholarly references.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Include a title page at the beginning of your worksheet.

Connelly, L. M. (2015). Research questions and hypotheses. Medsurg Nursing, 24(6), 435-436.
Fetters, M. D., Curry, L. A., & Creswell, J. W. (2013). Achieving integration in mixed methods designs-principles and practices. Health Services Research, 48(6), 2134-2153.
Toledo, A. H., Fikkema, R., & Toldeo-Pereyra, L. H. (2011). Developing the research hypothesis. Journal of Investigative Surgery, 24(5), 191-194.
