Has your organization seen a shifting from a reimbursement

Has your organization seen a shifting from a reimbursement system based on volume of services provided to one based on the value of care? How is nursing impacted by this change?
Skim the following website: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/topics/health-care-deliveryRead the attached article: Berryman S.N. Palmer S.P. Kohl J.E. & Parham J.S. (2013). Medical Home Model of Patient-Centered Health Care. MEDSURG Nursing 22(3) 166-196Answer and discuss the following questions:1. Initiatives to transform the health system have the potential to improve care for everyone. How might changes address health disparities?2. Has your organization seen a shifting from a reimbursement system based on volume of services provided to one based on the value of care? How is nursing impacted by this change?

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