From the position of an individual seeking employment, was

Virtual Career One Stop
As you will learn in completing the Week Three written assignment, one-stop career centers have become increasingly popular as a means of meeting career-related needs. In keeping with technology, one-stop centers can be fully accessed online. Clients can access a range of resources from any computer with Internet access. While some advocates argue that career counseling is more effective when it is personalized and face to face, thousands of individuals utilize online resources to meet their employment needs on a daily basis. Career One Stop (, endorsed by the United States Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, is one such site. Visit the site. At minimum, search the following: “Explore Careers,” “Education & Training,” and “Salary and Benefits.” Search the “Salary and Benefits” area specifically for career-outlook information on a selected career.
What types of information did you find? If you were personally seeking employment, do you think the information would be helpful? From the position of an individual seeking employment, was there any information or support you might need that was not available? If so, what? Your post should be at least 300 words. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by Day 7.
Point Value: 3 Points