Explain what a health risk appraisal (HRA) is, assignment

This assignment relates to the following Areas of Responsibility for Health Educators:
Area of Responsibility I: Assess Individual and Community Needs for Health Education; specifically, being able to conduct health-related needs assessment; identify factors that foster or hinder the process of health education; identify diverse factors that influence health behaviors; identify behaviors that tend to promote or compromise health, and infer needs for health education from obtained data.
Area of Responsibility II: Plan Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs; specifically, being able to identify barriers to the implementation of a personal health promotion program.
Area of Responsibility III: Implement Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs; specifically, learning about program strategies; using the Code of Ethics in professional practice.
Case Assignment
Please write an essay to address the following:

Explain what a health risk appraisal (HRA) is.
Does your employer use health risk appraisals? If so, describe it, how they use it, and why they use it. If not, answer those questions in general (i.e., discuss what an HRA includes, why and how they are used).
How can the findings of a health risk appraisal motivate people in your organization to make behavior changes?
What barriers make it hard for people to make healthy choices? How can a health educator help someone overcome any barriers that might be preventing them from achieving their best possible health? Please give some specific examples.

This paper HAS to be in apa format 2 PAGES ONLY with a reference page the references MUST be cited into the paper ONLY 2-3 times AND PLEASE INCLUDE LINKS WITH THE REFERENCES,, You HAVE TO  ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. please dont make up things as you go along, i will know I have had these things done in the past.