Demonstrate the ability to critically examine data,
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS1. This document is to be read in conjunction with the Unit Guide for this unit.2. It is the responsibility of each student to confirm submission requirements including dates, time, andformat.3. Extension or Special Consideration may be considered for late submission. It is the responsibility of eachstudent to understand Deakin regulations regarding late submission and Special Consideration forassessment.4. You will be required to complete Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 individually and Assignment 3 as agroup. Further information regarding how groups are allocated are provided below.5. All assignments, unless otherwise noted, must be submitted electronically through CloudDeakin.Assignments submitted in any other way will not be marked.6. You may refer to publications, but you must write in your own “voice” and cite the references using theAuthor-Date (Harvard) system. It is essential for you to fully understand what you write and to be able toverify your source if you are requested to do so later on. The library provides workshops and advice oncitations and referencing.7. The University regards plagiarism as an extremely serious academic offence. Submission throughCloudDeakin includes your declaration that the work submitted is entirely your own. Please make full useof the ‘Check Your Work’ folder in the Dropbox tab on CloudDeakin. You can find all you need to knowabout citations, referencing and academic integrity at Before starting your assignment, please read the University document, Study Support at To prepare the assignments, you have to carefully read the references introduced in teaching sessionsand on CloudDeakin, as well as, consulting websites and relevant documents (searching databases).10. Further details of assignments, including presentations will be provided in seminars and throughCloudDeakin.PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT TASK 1The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to apply your knowledge on information management systemsin the construction industry for providing a response to a real question. This assessment task addresses thefollowing unit learning outcomes for this unit:ULO1: Demonstrate the ability to critically examine data, information creation and usage in the constructionindustry.ULO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges facing construction firms in adopting innovativeinformation management practices.ASSESSMENT TASK 1 REQUIREMENTSEach student must produce an individual report that focusses on learning initial BIM management tasks,deployment and the basic use of leading applications.FORMAT OF ASSIGNMENTThe submission is needed as described below.? Students need to complete the training course on Navisworks Manage 2019, and submit the certificate ofcompletion to the Cloud. This will be regarded as 300 words.? Students complete the training course on Solibri Model Checker and submit the certificate of completion tothe Cloud. This will be regarded as 300 words.? Students write a report on comparing the advantages and shortfalls of these two programs against eachother. This will be in the form of a report of 400 words ± 25%, excluding figures and tables.ASSESSMENT DELIVERABLESThe submission will comprise 3 files: the certificate of completion for Navisworks Manage, the certificate ofcompletion for Solibri Model Checker, and your report in PDF.ASSESSMENT SUBMISSIONAccording to the assessment schedule table, provided in this documentASSESSMENT CRITERIAAccording to the detailed rubric, provided in this document.