Arthur Andersen Questionable Accounting Practices 1 Describe

Arthur Andersen Questionable Accounting Practices  1 Describe the legal and ethical issues surroundingAndersen’s auditing of companies accused of accounting improprieties
2 What evidence is there that Andersen’s corporate culturecontributed to its downfall?
3 How can the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act helpminimize the likelihood of auditors failing to identify accounting irregularities?
Sunbeam Corporation: “Chainsaw Al”and Greed
1 How did pressures for financial performance contribute toSunbeam’s culture where quarterly sales were manipulated to influenceinvestors?
2 What were Dunlap’s contributions to the financial andpublic relations embarrassments at Sunbeam that caused investors and the public to questionSunbeam’s integrity?
3 Identify ethical issues that Dunlap’s management team mayhave created by adopting a short-run focus on financial performance What lessonscould be learned from the outcome?