affirmative action must end Paper instructions: Create a

affirmative action must end
Paper instructions:Create a persuasive ,State your thesis and at least THREE tentative sources. Give title and type of source (is it a magazine article, book, etc) Remember the paper is persuasive i.e. you must try to make your reader change his/her mind on a certain issue. So pick a topic that is debatable; one that can be proven either way. Click here for more on this paper……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted
When you pick the topic, think of what you want to convince the reader about. For example: the “glass ceiling is getting thinner”, “women make very good managers”, “affirmative action must end” or “video games are harmful/beneficial for children” Click here for more on this paper……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted