Environmental Science Research Paper (10-15pages)

We do not accept Wikipedia as a source of factual information for this class or accept citations from Wikipedia for your work. Do not use Wikipedia. You must go to the library, newspapers, books, etc. and find reference material to support your written work there. References must be included underneath all figures, tables, graphs, and images. If you copy written material word-for-word from a book, website, etc., you must put quotation marks around the text and clearly CITE the author/source of the material. Please visit the following page for details on the appropriate use of quotations in scientific writing: https://depts.washington.edu/psych/files/writing_center/quotes.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.You must also include a full reference to ALL the sources you use by using in-text citations as well as listing them in proper bibliographic format (in alphabetic order) on a separate reference page. You may choose to use the APA or MLA styles of citation, but please be consistent in using one or the other throughout your paper and bibliography.
The following websites are great resources for helping you correctly format your in-text and bibliography citations. There are also examples below of some popular kinds of citations in MLA and APA format.
MLA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.APA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Online citation creator: http://citationmachine.net/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Here is an example of a research paper with citations in the form we would prefer:Littke et al. 2011. Canadian Journal of Forest ResearchExamples of MLA Citation:In-text citation (Author last name, page#)(Smith, 272)(Smith, Jones and McCoy, 272) – up to three authors(Smith et al., 272) – for four or more authors*************************************Book citation: Stalson, Helen. Intellectual Property Rights and U.S. Competitiveness in Trade. Washington, D.C.: National Planning Association, 1987. 52-67. Print.
Web page citation:“Global Warming – Climate: Uncertainties.” EPA Yosemite Information Page. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2002. Web. 13 January 2003. <http://yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarming.nsf/content/climateuncertainties .html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.>.
Newspaper article citation: Hartocollis, Anemona. “New York State Regulators Toughen Standards for Teachers.” New York Times 18 Sep. 1999, New Enland: A12. Print.
Popular magazine article citation:Pooley, Eric. “How Conservative is McCain.” Time 14 Feb. 2000: 40-42. Print.
Journal citation:Susskind, Lawrence E., and Louise Dunlap. “The Importance of Nonobjective Judgments in Environmental Impact Assessments.” Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2.4 (1981): 335-366. Print.
Oral (person’s words) citation:Harrison, Rob. Personal Communication. 25 Jul. 2005. Conversation on how to cite references for ESRM100.
Examples of APA Citation:
In-text citation: (Author last name, year published)(Smith, 2002)(Smith, Jones & McCoy, 2002) – up to five authors. For three or more authors, use this format the first time you use an in-text citation in your paper, and for subsequent in-text citations of the SAME SOURCE use (Smith, et al., 2002)(Smith, et al., 2002) – six or more authors
Book citation:Stalson, H. (1987). Intellectual property rights and U.S. competitiveness in trade. Washington, D.C.: National Planning Association.
Web page citation: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . (2002). Global warming – climate: uncertainties. Retrieved fromhttp://yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarming.nsf/content/climateuncertainties.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Newspaper article citation:Hartocollis, A. (1999, September 18). New York regulators toughen standards for teachers. New York Times, A12.
Popular magazine article citation:Pooley, E. (2000, February 14). How conservative is McCain. Time, 40-42.
Journal citation:Susskind, L.E., & Dunlap, L. (1999). The Importance of nonobjective judgments in environmental impact assessments. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2(4), 355-366.
Oral (person’s words) citation:Harrison, R. (Professor). (2005, July 5). Conversation on how to cite references for ESRM 100 [Personal Communication].*************************************Book citation: Stalson, Helen. Intellectual Property Rights and U.S. Competitiveness in Trade. Washington, D.C.: National Planning Association, 1987. 52-67. Print.
Web page citation:“Global Warming – Climate: Uncertainties.” EPA Yosemite Information Page. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2002. Web. 13 January 2003. <http://yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarming.nsf/content/climateuncertainties .html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.>.
Newspaper article citation: Hartocollis, Anemona. “New York State Regulators Toughen Standards for Teachers.” New York Times 18 Sep. 1999, New Enland: A12. Print.
Popular magazine article citation:Pooley, Eric. “How Conservative is McCain.” Time 14 Feb. 2000: 40-42. Print.
Journal citation:Susskind, Lawrence E., and Louise Dunlap. “The Importance of Nonobjective Judgments in Environmental Impact Assessments.” Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2.4 (1981): 335-366. Print.
Oral (person’s words) citation:Harrison, Rob. Personal Communication. 25 Jul. 2005. Conversation on how to cite references for ESRM100.
Examples of APA Citation:
In-text citation: (Author last name, year published)(Smith, 2002)(Smith, Jones & McCoy, 2002) – up to five authors. For three or more authors, use this format the first time you use an in-text citation in your paper, and for subsequent in-text citations of the SAME SOURCE use (Smith, et al., 2002)(Smith, et al., 2002) – six or more authors
Book citation:Stalson, H. (1987). Intellectual property rights and U.S. competitiveness in trade. Washington, D.C.: National Planning Association.
Web page citation: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . (2002). Global warming – climate: uncertainties. Retrieved fromhttp://yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarming.nsf/content/climateuncertainties.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Newspaper article citation:Hartocollis, A. (1999, September 18). New York regulators toughen standards for teachers. New York Times, A12.
Popular magazine article citation:Pooley, E. (2000, February 14). How conservative is McCain. Time, 40-42.
Journal citation:Susskind, L.E., & Dunlap, L. (1999). The Importance of nonobjective judgments in environmental impact assessments. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2(4), 355-366.
Oral (person’s words) citation:Harrison, R. (Professor). (2005, July 5). Conversation on how to cite references for ESRM 100 [Personal Communication].