Week 8 Discussion Board
Consider auspicious timing, the Chinese zodiac, and speculation about the future in the “Lucky You” Power Point. A rationalist might look over our shoulder, and draw the conclusion that “Religion is simply organized superstition.” You are to read the provided 750-word article by Austin Cline, consider two opposing theses, select the thesis with which you most agree, and can sufficiently defend. Then you will construct an argument. 1-2 paragraphs will suffice. Be sure to consider the concepts, and demonstrate an understanding of how the two might or might not be related; how the two might be contrasted and compared. Organize your thinking, being mindful of critical thinking and clear, persuasive writing.
So where does superstition come into the picture? Or, in some sense can religion be thought of as organized or “advanced” superstition–while a bit more sophisticated than earlier magic, “religion” might still be considered by some as a more primitive and pre-scientific way of viewing reality and ascribing meaning to the events and exigencies of life? This is the issue facing us in Discussion Board #3. Read the Austin Cline piece below (approx 750 words), and follow the instructions, which entails constructing an argument.
Consider two opposing theses, select the thesis with which you most agree, and can sufficiently defend. 1 – 2 paragraphs will suffice. Be sure to consider the concepts, and demonstrate an understanding of how the two might or might not be related; how the two might be contrasted and compared. Organize your thinking, being mindful of critical thinking and clear, persuasive writing.
1. Read Religion vs Superstition page 1 – Attached – There are 2 pages to read (do not read page 3) Religion vs Superstition page 1.pdf
2. Read Religion vs Superstition page 2 – Attached – There is 2 pages here
Religion vs Superstition page 2.pdf
3. Read the Austin Cline piece 750 words –
4. View – Lucky You – Twenty seven page Powerpoint slide
5. Answer the questions on Religion vs Superstition page 1. There is 1 question with two parts that must be answered in an argument form.