1. Describe Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Was it a

1. Describe Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Was it a radical departure from traditional policies or somewhat conservative? Name at least five programs and explain what they did. Who benefited? Who didn’t? Critics? 2. How did Truman’s Fair Deal continue the New Deal? Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson? 3. Discuss life on the Home Front during WWII. How did the government prepare for war? How did civilians respond? Give several specific examples. 4. Discuss the “Miracle of Production”. How was it achieved? How did Roosevelt address the basic problems of modern warfare? How did war production affect the economy? 5. WWII was a definite catalyst for social change in America. Explain this statement. Think on terms of economic, social and political factors. 6. Discuss Truman’s decision to use the Atomic Bomb. What were his options? Of all the reasons the United States used nuclear weaponry against Japan in 1945, which reason do you find most compelling and why ? How did having a “bomb monopoly” later affect U.S. foreign policy? Also consider some of the outcomes associated with its development and use. Give examples. 7. Discuss at least 5 outcomes of World War Two and their impacts on American society and the world. Use in-depth analysis in your assessment. 8. Discuss the Red Scare of the 1940s and 50s. What caused it? How did it play out? Who were the key players? What impact did this have on American society and politics? Was it necessary? Rational? Exaggerated? Explain. 9. What were the origins of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union? How did it affect U.S. military strategy and spending? What was our policy for fighting communism? Did it work? What were some positive and negative outcomes of the Cold War? 10. Discuss the impact of the Automobile on American life. Include cultural, social, industrial, economic, political and environmental aspects in your analysis. 11. Some historians have asserted that the 1950s were a decade of “conservatism, conformity and consensus”. Give examples of this trend during the era. Why were Americans eager to move to the “middle”? In what ways is this statement false? (Examples) 12. Trace the Civil Rights Movement up to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Who were the main actors in the struggle? Their goals? Challenges? What brought change? How did this movement affect other movements? 13. Discuss the origins, U.S. policies and outcomes of the war in Vietnam. How did our policies change and why? What was the biggest impact of this war on America? On Vietnam? 14. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Explain this statement as it relates to American foreign policy in the twentieth century. Give at least four examples. How has this idea impacted America’s history? Is it positive? Why, Why not? 15. The sixties were a volatile time in our nation’s history. Explain this statement using at least four concrete examples and their impact on the country. 16. Dinner party question. Imagine you are giving a dinner party. If you could invite any four people we’ve talked about from the depression era through the 1970s, who would be your party guests? What would you talk about? How would they interact? Remember to be specific