Why is it important to develop health promotion programs

Why is it important to develop health promotion programs within the context of an ecological model?
Essentials of Health Behavior: Social and Behavioral Theory in Public Health Mark Edberg: Jones and Bartlett Publishers).
Mark Edberg: Jones and Bartlett Publishers). View Text Chap.3 PPT. Watch “PERSUADERS” video. Write 3 paragraphs for each question.
E. Pick one (1) MAJOR point of emphasis that the video Persuaders examined that you can use as a Public Health Educator to promote healthy lifestyle choices.
a. Explain /justify your reason for choosing it.b. Read through the Code of Ethics for Health Educators. How does the persuasive method you chose support or violate professional ethics? Explain.F. Why, as public health practitioners, is it important for us to understand the concepts of social psychology? Anthropology?G. Why is it important to develop health promotion programs within the context of an ecological model?
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