What were some of the reasons that so many former slaves

What are some of the reasons for the extent of Native American slavery that took place within the United States until the early years of the 18th century?Africans and “red-black” people who were enslaved by Native Americans had a range of complex relations with those who enslaved them. What were some of the ways that these slaves reacted to their enslavers? What were some of the reasons that so many former slaves choose to stay within Indian territory after they were free?Why did slavery take root in the Cherokee nation more strongly than in the other three confederacies whose territories were invaded by the American plantation system?How do you understand the issue of the Cherokee freedmen?Please type about 3-4 pages (800 words minimum) time new roman double spaced size 12 font. Need someone who has amazing English writing skills as this is a university level paper. Please cite your sources as well.