What prevention strategies are used in human service

What prevention strategies are used in human service organizations ?.
What prevention strategies are used in human service organizations ?.and the obstacles that prevent the implementation of prevention programs.What prevention strategies are used in human service organizations ?.and the obstacles that prevent the implementation of prevention programs. Paper must be at least 700 words IN Proper APA formate Identifies the student’s chosen prevention strategy, explains how it is applicable to his or her issue, and provides the target population. Issue is elderly target is healthcaredescribes how the student’s suggested solution would be affected by social policies or government regulations.explains how the student would address potential obstacles to the implementation of his or her proposed solution.outlines new programs or services that may be needed to implement the suggested change or solution.The paper links content to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the industry correctly.details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.At least two references are cited from Internet Title page and references all done in APA .

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