Websearch – Spotlight on Classification

Your task is to roam the World Wide Web and discover what other people have said to explain and support their views on particular topics in physical anthropology. These investigations are intended to expand your understanding of biodiversity, evolutionary process, primate and human adaptation, and genetics.
In doing research, keep in mind that not everything on the Web is accurate, current, or true. In order to evaluate which sites can be trusted and which ones cannot, ask the following questions:

Who are the authors of the site and what are their credentials?
Are they experts and is the information current?
When was the website created and last updated?
Do the facts presented in the site seem correct?
Is the purpose of the site to objectively inform and explain or to persuade and sell a particular perspective?

Search the internet for taxonomic classifications of “new” species and respond to the following:

Summarize the basis for classifying a new species and explain who gets to name a new species and if there is any check on irresponsible naming. (10pts)
Identify an example of a species which became extinct before it was even classified. (10pts)HINT: Consider what kind of creature this might be, where/when the extinctions mostly occur, and possible causes for extinction.
Include a URL for the example you shared. (5pts)
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