United States History

United States History

In this essay, I want you to think and write like a historian.  Choose a topic you have read about in the textbook and lecture notes, and write about its importance to the 20th Century.  In no less than 550 words, use the textbook and the corresponding lectures to construct a larger paper addressing the significance of the event you chose and why you think it is important.

You can only use the following sources, and you must use both:

1) The presentation slides and notes HIST 103 Lecture 2.ppt 

HIST 103 Lecture 1.pptx

2) The textbook (American Horizons with Documents, Vol. II (links to the bookstore website)  (Links to an external site.)

  • EDITION:   2ND
  • ISBN:   9780190461058

Everything we have covered so far in these materials is allowed to be used, included primary source images, interactive maps, and graphs. But it is very important to note that you must use these sources in a meaningful way is required to earn full credit for this paper. Essays that use sources other than what is allowed will not receive credit.

Remember to clearly state your thesis, directly address your topic, and use the sources above as evidence to advance your argument. A paper that simply discusses the topic without delving into significant issues will not suffice. Critical thinking, analysis based on the available facts, and execution of the assignment according to the guidelines are what I am looking for in this writing assignment.

This essay is as much about content as it is about format.  You are required to use the Chicago Manual of Style citation method, and I have provided documents and an example essay to help assist you with learning this format.

In this course, you will be required to write your essays using the Chicago Manual of Style method of document formatting and citation.  The Chicago Manual of Style requires you to clearly show the sources you have used to construct your essays.  Your essays must have a title page, bibliography, and footnotes that are correctly formatted to the Chicago Manual of Style Sample Chicago Manual of Style Essay.pdf

Please refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab website (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/ (Links to an external site.)) if you find yourself stuck at any particular point of the formatting process.

This essay is very detailed, therefore I increased the payment for you. I can’t wait to read your excellent work! Please let me know if you need anything!