THE AENEID VIRGIL translated by Robert Fitzgerald, history homework help
Title: The Roman system of values as presented in The Aeneid.
Stay focused on books 1, 6 and 12 only. Do not get lost in broad abstractions. I suggest that you focus on one good and concrete example of the use of the system of values in each of the three books specified for analysis. Be sure to analyze the use of the system of values in Virgil’s work. Do not just describe.
Book 1: A Fateful Haven
Book 6: The World Below
Book 12: The Fortunes of War
Use MLA style
3pages for the paper + one page for the Works Cited
Be sure you use one and only one quotation per book (Book 1, 6, 12) and no more than two lines each.
Do not use any sources outside. Just only on The AENEID VIRGIL
This is the Summary and Analysis link for the book