test an op-amp circuit, Electrical Engineering Lab Report

Design, and test an op-amp circuit to implement the following equation:
Vout = 2(V1)–3(V2) + 4 
Constraints: you are only allowed to use 4 power supplies (+15 Volts, -15 volts, V1 and V2). Therefore, you should figure out how to implement the third required constant input (-5V, +4v,or -4V) using one of the four available power supplies.Note: Op-Amp circuits operate best when you connect large resistors across them. Therefore, make sure that your resistors are in the Kilo ohms range (5K ohms or above up to 50 K ohms).
Note: Extra points will be given for the first two groups who come up with a design that uses the fewest number of Op-Amps to implement the circuit. This design might require that you use an Inverting Summing Amplifier instead of the Non-Inverting Summing Amplifier. Read chapter 6.7 for more information. See figure 6.6.1 and section 6.7 for more information regarding the steps required to design the circuit.
1. Demonstration of a working circuit:  I need to see your Electronics Workbench printout with the results showing the expected voltage outputs for at least 2 voltage combination of V1 and V2 during your demo.
2. A detailed report (similar to a lab report) that includesSee the file ” Project Grading Rubric”to see what is expected in your report!!!!You need to answer all the questions listed in the rubric.– A schematic from Workbench (showing the output for at least four different values ofV1 and V2).– Derivation of equations and selection of resistors. All resistors should be at least several hundred ohms.– An introduction, theory, procedure, discussion, conclusion sections
* I am going to attach the design that I have done. You just have to write the report according to the attachments 

Please make sure to include a conclusion on the report, and I will attach a schematic and do it according to the schematic draw. I will attach it for you.

Everything is ready for you,so you just have to write the report according to the writing instructions and the schematic