Question description In this Assignment you will examine

Question description
In this Assignment you will examine employee monitoring andprivacy An increasingly important topic in the current interactive and socialmedia oriented environment, many employers are faced with tradeoffs ininterconnectivity and sharing of workplace communications while protecting boththe organizationâ€s intellectual property and employee privacy Organizationswork to provide social media access and communications with clients, vendors,suppliers, customers and the public while ensuring employee productivity
Assignment Checklist:
What are guidelines employers should follow when consideringvideo surveillance of a worksite? Include a summary of a legal case thatillustrates your key points
What are guidelines employers should follow when handlingemployee records and other employee information?
What are guidelines employers should follow when consideringsearching an employeeâ€s work area, computer, desk, files or locker? What aboutif the employee works from home? Include a summary of a legal case thatillustrates your key points
To successfully complete the project, the following are theminimum requirements:
Complete a 2 – 3 page paper in APA format: 12-point font,double spaced, indented paragraphs, citations, reference list, etc
Include introductory and summary paragraphs
Limit the use of direct quotations; instead, paraphrase andcite the author’s work
Reinforce your personal opinions with outside references andcite all works used