Keystone Pipeline & Clean Air Act and Its Impact on The

Choose an environmental health topic. In 4 pages, double space,  develop a research question and explore your selected environmental  health topic.
At minimum your paper should include:
1. Introduction: 
      -The purpose, problem, or question to be considered is stated clearly.
2. Body:
Presentation of evidence:
-The points are internally consistent, (i.e. one point follows from another), plausible and well supported.
-References are recent, high quality, and appropriate to the paper topic (research articles and books).
      -The paper is easy to follow and well organized.
3.  Conclusion:
       –The author summarizes the findings adequately, and draws appropriate conclusions.
Example Topics (You can select one of these topics or you can pick your own)

Does recycling really help the environment?
Green New Deal and climate change
Environmental Policy
Environmental Racism/Justice
Keystone Pipeline
Coral reef extinction and the impact on the environment
Are bees going extinct?
Clean Air Act and its impact on the environment