Indiana University of Pennsylvania Post Acute Delivery
Getting Started
The 2013 Institute of Medicine report found 73% of the variation in Medicare spending attributable to post-acute care (PAC). This fact led to changes by the ACA directing CMS to increase the focus on quality and safety in post-acute care. Leaders are strategically looking at approaches that optimize the use of PAC services and improve care coordination. Examples include reducing re-admissions, improving transitions between levels of care, and participation in bundled payment approaches.
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:
Synthesize ethical standards in strategic decision-making.
Demonstrate critical thinking in decision-making.
Appraise post-acute care delivery structures.
Background Information
Your grandmother is being discharged from an acute care hospital in your local community, and her physician has determined she needs to be admitted to a nursing home.
Read Chapter 10: Strategic Planning and Post-Acute Care Services in Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare.
Using the Nursing Home Compare website at, answer the following questions.
Which three nursing homes would you recommend in your local community?
Of these three, which one would you choose and why?
Because your grandmother is a Medicare patient, what payer would pay for her nursing home care and for how long?
Does this payment rate make your grandmother an attractive nursing home patient?
What are the financial implications if your grandmother cannot return home to her independent living facility and becomes a long-term nursing home resident?
What ethical implications, if any, do you see in this process?
Complete the responses to the questions and submit to the instructor with a title page and using appropriate APA formatting for any references used in the development of your answers.
When you’ve completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor by the end of the workshop.