Identify a current health promotion strategy/policy to
Identify a current health promotion strategy/policy to prevent illness and improve quality of life for individuals and society in relation to the chosen health issue.
Health in Society
1. Identify one of the health issues, define it and use appropriate statistics to contextualise theextent of the problem or prevalence of the condition in the UK.
2. Choose 2 issues from the following; diversity, culture, environment, physiology, psychology, socioeconomics, to explore how the chosen lifestyle issue/condition may impact on the health of anindividual(only choose 2 issues to discuss).
3. Identify a current health promotion strategy/policy to prevent illness and improve quality of lifefor individuals and society in relation to the chosen health issue.
4. Discuss the difference in emphasis within the role of the nurse applied in the 3 other fields ofnursing (that you are NOT currently studying) in assisting an individual to improve their quality of lifethrough promoting health and recovery (in relation with the chosen health issue).Briefly identify othermembers of the inter-professional team who may have input into the care.You need to discuss the role of the nurse in the 3 other fields of nursing that you are NOT currentlystudying (see below).
Field of Nursing you are studying Fields you need to discuss in assignmentMental Health Child, Adult and Learning Disability Nursing FieldsAdult Child, Mental Health and Learning Disability FieldsLearning Disability Child, Adult and Mental Health Nursing FieldsChild Mental Health, Adult and Learning Disability Nursing FieldsThe Assignment should include:
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