Identify a conclusion or plan for opioid prescribing as an

View the Opioid Prescribing modules offered by CDC:
Options for reviewing the modules include:
View slides
Listen to transcript,
Read the transcript
View the webcast (if compatible)
I recommend that you view the slides while listening to the transcript (A&B). You will have to advance the slides per your estimate of when the slide should change based on the presenter’s content.Log onto the website of your state nurses association and search for information on collective bargaining. Search for news articles, union websites, and other recent information on collective bargaining for nurses in your state. Is there a great deal of collective bargaining activity in your state? If not, why? If yes, what are the primary issues under discussion?
For the paper,
Summarize of the main concepts for each of the modules reviewed.
Identify a conclusion or plan for opioid prescribing as an APRN.
The paper is to be 1000-1200 words, excluding title page and references. Use APA format.
Length: The paper is to be 1000-1200 words, excluding title page and references.
Format: APA Style