How to Improve Your Chances for College Success
College isn’t yet another year of high school. For starters, college normally necessitates significantly more effort. Furthermore, much of the work is self-directed and autonomous. As a result, college success would necessitate a unique set of skills, a new work ethic, and longer hours. In the end, a “more of the same” approach (i.e., using the same job methods as in high school) is unlikely to yield positive results.Create a strong work ethic. Prepare to work hard, work independently, and (most importantly) work smart in college. At first glance, college success seems to require fewer hours of work than high school. High school students average about 35 to 40 hours a week in the classroom. College students, on the other hand, spend approximately twelve to fifteen hours a week. On the other hand, classroom time is just the beginning of a college education. A greater portion of the advice is based on self-directed research. For every hour of classroom instruction, expect one to three hours of homework.Pay Attention in Class Although it might seem self-evident, it is worth repeating: attend class, if at all necessary. If you do miss a class, do so only if you are sick or have an emergency. Students often believe that they can get all of their information from the textbook and therefore skip class; however, class lectures or discussions often cover topics not included in the textbook. You would also miss descriptions of the content (which can be crucial for a student struggling to understand abstract concepts), vital assignment announcements, guidelines for effective completion of assignments, and test dates if you skip a lesson.Set up a Work Schedule Make an out-of-class job schedule and adhere to it as closely as possible. Make doing homework at the same time every day a routine. Keep a calendar or planner with all of your tasks and due dates on it, and cross them off when you finish them. Prioritizing homework and approaching deadlines is also critical. Start with the most important assignments and finish them first before completing the day’s assignments. Then finish the remaining tasks in order of priority.Establish a healthy work-life balance. Work to remove or at the very least minimize tension to the greatest extent possible. (For more information, see “Reducing Stress.”) Although academics should always be your top priority, it’s also important to develop a well-rounded lifestyle that includes time for fun, relationships, and enriching experiences. If required, set aside time for these types of activities. Consider rewarding yourself for completing tasks successfully. Extrinsic encouragement, such as making time for a favorite television show after finishing homework or purchasing a pair of concert ticks as a reward for a successful test score, will help you become your own best motivator.Become acquainted with your professors. On the first day of class, introduce yourself. Although your teacher does not remember your name right away, it will start the process of getting to know you. Take part in classroom discussions. Many teachers will grant participation grades; as a result, it is in your best interest to participate actively in class discussions, and participating will also benefit you. If you have unique concerns about the course material, come to office hours. Although there may be other resources on campus for assistance, it is usually best to go to the course teacher first because the professor would be able to describe course requirements and clarify key course concepts better. Please notify the teacher as soon as possible if you have an emergency. If you need a deadline extension for an assignment or to arrange a make-up exam due to an emergency, inquire ahead of time rather than on the due date for an essay or the examination date. Never presume, however, that a make-up extension or opportunity is assured. Since several teachers would reject such requests, it is better to make them as infrequently as possible and only for legitimate reasons. A teacher who understands you and your situation, on the other hand, can be more likely to work with you.