How can human service workers advocate for the

DUE 2/17/18 @ 4PM Est
1.  How can human service workers advocate for the constitutional rights of their clients in the criminal justice system?
2.   What is your definition of “peer pressure” and does it always results to negative impacts when dealing with juvenile delinquencies?
3.   Do you agree with people who favor adult sanctions for juvenile offenders; for example, “If you’re old enough to do the crime, you’re old enough to do the time”? Why or why not? Where should the line be drawn? Why?
4.  How might the issue of large numbers of inmates who suffer from mental illness or drug addiction be addressed?
5.  What are the four purposes of criminal punishment? How effective do you think the current system is in accomplishing each of these?
6.  Three populations are currently exempt from the death penalty. If the court were to exempt a fourth, who should it be and why?