help with my english class
While we’ve devoted most of out time in class to discussions of single stories or, at most, particular clusters of related stories, I’d like now to turn our attention to the larger significance of The Things they Carried.
For this response , I’d like you simply to choose a particular theme, image, or character that appears in multiple stories within the collection, and consider its significance within the work as a whole. As an example, think back to our class discussion of the book’s treatment of animals throughout several stories. If I were writing a response, I’d first make note of several stories in which animal images are present (e.g. “the fictional O”Brien provides a detailed description of his responsibilities at a slaughterhouse in “On the Rainy River”). After making a couple more such observations, I’d then move on to interpret what I imagine to be their purpose within the collection (e.g., “As I read it, these images function on two levels. First, it’s clear that the soldiers’ often callous treatment of animals prefigures, echoes, and amplifies their treatment of those they perceive as the enemy. So too do they serve as a reflection of the platoon members themselves, as they are made into literal human sacrifices to serve an agenda in which they have very little personal investment”).
That’s all I’m asking for. These responses can be fairly short and informal. Around 250 words or so is fine. They’ll count for a six-point quiz grade and they are due by out next meeting (Thursday, March 31). Late responses will not be accepted for credit.
you only need to use the file uploaded