Florida State University Case Vignette Paper

Case vignette. Please read the case vignette and answer the following questions:
How might you in a subtle way to promote dependency? What personal needs might be met by encouraging members to need you?
What do you think is meant by the phrase “promote termina­tion of members from the group in the most efficient period”?

Case Vignette
In this case, the group leader conducts an ongoing group with no termination in sight. Whenever a member wants to quit, he or she is reminded of each person’s responsibility to the group, and there is a discussion of how the person has not worked through all his or her struggles fully and is therefore not ready to terminate. The leader maintains that dependence on the leader is an expected part of the therapy process. Personality change is not necessarily accomplished in 12 months of therapy, the leader contends. This leader sees nothing wrong in having people come to the group for a long time. She gives the analogy of the person with diabetes that needs to take insulin for the rest of his or her life. She assumes that there are always issues to work through and eventually the members will be able to work through their dependency if they stay with the group for a long time and if they are willing to work through their feelings of transference toward the group leader and perhaps other members.

Corey, M., Corey, G., & Cory, C. (2014). Groups: Process and practice (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Messer, S. & Gurman, A., (2011). Essential psychotherapies: Theory and practice (3rd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press. ISBN-13: 978-1462513543, ISBN-10: 1462513549
Yalom, I. & Lescez, M. (2006). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (5th ed.). New York: Basic Books.
Each student must incorporate evidence-based references using APA format with one reference being a recent research article into each module discussion (articles within the last five years). Please select articles that relate to group therapy or a concept discussed in this class.
2 pages.