Expert to have knowledge/qualifications in Legal-Contract,

MPM413Risk Managementrefer toMPM412 – Group D Assignment 2″Part 4 – Risk identification and mitigation””From the Government’s point of view, identify the risks involved in using RFP for NBN and explore if all the associatedrisks had been successfully mitigated throughout the whole tendering process.”It is to be Focussed onNBN CoTendering/ Contract Disputes – Resourcing Suppliers• Expert to have knowledge/qualifications in Legal-Contract, Tendering, Project Management Concepts, PMBOK, TrainingConcepts, etc.– this material is not to appear, make any reference, reviews, etc. or be published on the internetI have uploaded several documents for referenceYou can use these documents or refer to other references– references must be shown in body of textPlease refer to Marking guide– Project_Risk_Management_Group_Report_Marking_Guide – reduced to HDRequest:Word Count 300 wordsEvaluate your risks and rank them according to a predetermined likelihood and consequenceto develop at least one example where you can to apply risk analysis in your project risks:apply both:a) Qualitative Analysisb) Quantitative AnalysisUse the Cause Effect Diagram (fishbone)Apply the 5 why methodologyOther appropriate method (see ISO 31010 for different tools)Or use other Six Sigma tools and where they can be used;Affinity diagramKano modelPareto analysisBrainstormingFishbone analysis (preferable)Process flow chartsFailure mode analysisDesign of experiment