English Immigration Essay , writing homework help

Your assignment is to write an argument based on the sources below. They all take different perspectives on immigration. Your paper is not simply summarizing what each article says. You are supposed to use the articles to support a specific argument (i.e. your thesis).

Broken and Obsolete by Fareed Zakaria (Time magazine)

The Children of the Drug Wars by Sonia Nazario (New York Times)

How Migration Hurts Poor Countries and by Paul Collier (New York Times)

Put an End to The Skill Bias by Richard Korman (ENR: Engineering News-Record)


Create a specific and analytic thesis based on these articles

Use each source at least once.

Synthesize your sources throughout your paper (see MLA powerpoint for more on this).

Support most claims with more than one source

2-3 pages (NOT including Works Cited page), double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman, 

Paper needs an original title and proper headings

Avoid 1st & 2nd person

Must have at least 3-4 quotes (with the correct format) & Works Cited page

Must have paraphrased information from the sources followed by parenthetical citations