Do you agree with its moral recommendations for this
Do you agree with its moral recommendations for this situation?
For the topic of your paper, you must select one of the following DISCUSSION CASES from your text as the issue focus for your paper:
-“Defining Marriage”
– “Women in Combat”
– “Imprisonment”
– “Animal Experimentation”
DIRECTIONS: There are two parts to your paper assignment:
First: Select ONE of the moral theories we have studied this semester (see Ch. 3-6, 8,9), then from the perspective of this chosen theory, answer the Discussion Case questions(in the text) for the case you chose. That is, if one uses the specified ethical theory to deal with this issue, how would one answer these questions/concerns? Be sure to explain key components of the theory and how they relate to your chosen issue.
Second: You are to offer a personal evaluation of this theory’s approach and responses to your chosen issue. What do you regard as the strengths and weaknesses of this theory’s approach to this issue? Do you agree with its moral recommendations for this situation? Explain.
FORMAT: Your paper is to be 3 full pages, double-spaced, standard size font (10-12), one inch margins, your name at the beginning. Please do not number the questions but rather combine your answers into an overall paper. Consult the syllabus for additional directions on how to submit this paper.
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