Develop Pharm Kinetic Models by Studying Interactions Within

The goal of the research is to help develop Pharm kinetic models by studying the interactions within the cytochrome p450 metabolon. P450 Is a large variety of enzymes that stimulate oxidation in organic matter. The substrates of cytochrome P 450 proteins include intermediary metabolisms such as fat, cortisone, hormones, and psychic chemicals, such as sedative drugs and other toxic substances. Cytochrome P 450 is the primary enzyme involved in metabolism and metabolism. The cytochrome P450 is a family of monooxygenases. These enzymes are found in most sorts of life. It’s critical in many vital paths. Specifically, they are responsible for ~ 70% of all drug metabolism in humans. P450 is of great interest since it was first identified in 1962
In particular, we are studying the binding of time-dependent inhibitors to the active site of cytochrome P450s by looking at changes in the native luminescence of those proteins
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