Design of boats, physics assignment help

Projects include a one page (250 word) write up about the physics involved.
Design of boat is similar to the picture below.
Design and build an electric boat, by the rules, for 5 meter rain gutter drag race.
The boat design may be based upon a fan-boat, speedboat, submarine, paddle wheel, or jet-ski. You will need
a propeller, shaft, motor, switch and connectors. Any other air or water propellers may be taken from an
available toy.
A boat built according to all of the restrictions shown below:
1) The size of the rain gutter limits the boat’s size. The length of the boat must be less than 35 cm from tip
to tip. The width of the boat must be less than 9 cm at all points at the water’s surface-level. The rain
gutter has a “U” shaped cross-section and narrows at its base. It will be filled and have a depth of about 6
cm. Design the boat to fit and operate within these dimensions.
2) The boat may only use the following unmodified common household batteries: one 9V battery or up to
six D, C, AA, or AAA batteries.
3) The boat must propel it with only 1 or more electric motors. You can use the electric motor supplied plus
any other from an available toy or purchased for about $3 at a hobby store. These motors are often rated
1.5V to 3V, but they work fine with the higher voltages allowed by the battery restrictions.
4) You may purchase propellers, motors, and batteries, but the boat may not use any manufactured toy boat
body. You may use household, hardware, and hobby store materials only according to their instructions.
Common materials include: plastic bottles, Styrofoam, balsa wood, wires, switches, battery holders, tape
and glue.
5) As a boat propels itself down the 5 m track it earns +3 points per meter completed. The boat must meet
all of the rules and propel it 5 meters at one time to qualify for competition. The top 3 boats in the race
will earn extra credit.