Delivery System Disscussion 2 |
Assignment: What was the intended purpose of the “gatekeeper” system? Based on what you’ve read, do you believe it has achieved its purpose? Why or why not? If not, what could be changed that would result in it meeting its intended goal? Be sure to read and comment upon a few of your fellow students’ remarks on this subject. Expectations: 1 page, 3 cited sources required reading
Required Reading
Affordable Care Act; findings from Mayo Clinic provide new insights into Affordable Care Act (expected and unexpected consequences of the Affordable Care Act: The impact on patients and surgeons—pro and con arguments). (2016). Managed Care Weekly Digest, 63.
Berenson, R. A., Burton, R. A., & McGrath, M. (2016). Do Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) help or hinder primary care physicians’ ability to deliver high-quality care? Healthcare, 4(3), 155-159.
Hoffman, S. (2015). Managed care, the legal system, and checklist medicine. Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, 31(6), 8.
Managed care; researchers at American College of Physicians Report new data on managed care (preconsultation exchange in the United States: Use, awareness, and attitudes). (2015). Insurance Weekly News, 171.
National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA); NCQA health insurance plan ratings—valuable tool for consumers. (2015, November 1). Health Insurance Law Weekly, p. 31.
Owen, R., Heller, T., & Bowers, A. (2016). Health services appraisal and the transition to Medicaid Managed Care from fee for service. Disability and Health Journal, 9(2). 239-247
Sonderling, H. (2015, September 16). ValueWalk: Could managed care companies help offset rising healthcare costs? [Web log post]. Newstex Global Business Blogs. Chatham: Newstex.
Waitzkin, H., & Hellander, I. (2016). Obamacare: The neoliberal model comes home to roost in the United States—if we let it. Monthly Review, 68(1), 1-18.