Complete 7 page Anatomy and Physiology Essay NO PLAGIARISM

1. It must be typed. Please type the paper single spaced first.
Once the paper is finished, you will then double-space on
standard size paper with 1” margins on all sides in 12 pt font (-
10 if the font and font size is incorrect). Times New Roman font
in black, not bold ink only (-10 if incorrect). The ink must be
clear; no faded ink will be accepted. No colored ink will be
accepted. Please single space the paper until it is complete and
then double space it to avoid extra spaces between paragraphs.
(-1 point for every extra space within or between paragraphs).
(-1 point for each spelling, grammar, and punctuation error).
No cut and pasted papers will be accepted. Failure to follow all
of these listed instructions will result in point deductions. Please
see rubric.

2. The research paper must include 7 pages. Page #1 should be
the title page which includes a labeled colored picture off a
computer of your topic or relating to it. This means that the
picture cannot be one that you have colored with crayons,
markers, colored pencils, highlighters, any other utensils, or
taped to piece of paper. Centered below your picture, include
your name, date, Bio 2113 or Bio 2114 and the instructor’s
name ex: (instructor: (colon) Mrs. Prince) Pages 2-6 should be
your research information that includes at least 2 cited sources
per page. You must cite your sources using parentheses with the
authors last name first, (coma) and then p. for the page number
the information was found on. Example: (Tortora & Derrickson,
p.216). (-1 if the coma is missing) (No credit will be awarded if
the citations are not in parentheses). No cited sources will result
in a grade of 0 out of 70 possible points. (Failure to cite your
sources means that your entire paper was all your work;
therefore, it is not a research paper! Please type the desired
information and then cite your source; however, do not cut or
copy and paste. Do not use any other methods, not even
according to Tortora & Derrickson.) If you have a sheet of
information (your source) that does not have a page number,
please number it as page one. In other words, please use the
authors last name, page #1 as your citation). You must use at
least 2 cited pieces of information from each of your 5 sources.
There must be a total of 10 cited sources throughout the paper.
Page 7 should be your work cited or reference page. The paper
should not exceed 7 pages.

3. Use APA format (only for work cited page /use APA reference in
text document located on angel). The research paper should not
be in APA or MLA format, it should be completed using these
instructions only.

4. The very first paragraph of the first page using no more than five
sentences should be a very interesting eye opening introduction
which includes no cited sources or statistics. There should be no
cited information located here. No credit will be awarded if you
cite any sources. It should be a great introduction using your
own words. You may tell a short story, tell a joke, or whatever
you think will interest the reader. The very last sentence of your
first paragraph or introduction, the first, not the second or third
paragraph should be your thesis statement that begins…This
paper will discuss only, (coma)……..I will not award points for
anything else such as I am going to discuss, I am going to talk
about, or My paper will discuss.( -1 point for every extra
sentence over five). This includes run on sentences that should
be two or more sentences after it has been corrected).

5. Using no more than five sentences in the last paragraph on the
last information page, (page 6) should begin…In conclusion,
(coma) only… and then you state your opinions, suggestions,
concerns, issues and so on. (-1if missing a coma). I will not
award points for anything else. (1 point for every extra
sentence over five). There should be no cited information
located here. No credit will be awarded if you cite any sources.

6. You must provide copies of all used articles and attach them to
your research paper. Be sure to highlight the used information
on your sources in order to show where the used information
came from in case I or any other reader needs to reference the
content. Please do not include pages that you have not
highlighted any information.

7. Students who attend lab or traditional class only: It must
be in a clear report folder. The report must be inside the prongs
for easy reading and grading. It should be like a book. I will not
take any papers out of anything such as page protectors in order
to grade it. No paper including references should not be in a
side pocket.(-5 for any papers in side pockets).

8. You must also include a copy of the research paper rubric and
the library assignment sheet that must be filled out completely
(the library stamp and signature of the librarian or staff). (5
points will be deducted if the rubric is missing and I have to add
it; however, No library assignment sheet will result in a
grade of zero even with a completely done report).

9. You must have at least 5 references which includes only one
internet source. I will only grade one internet source in the
research paper and on the reference page. When citing your
internet source throughout your research paper, it should be
typed or www. and the search engine you
used. No points will be rewarded if you are missing www. You
do not have to type the author’s last name and page number for
the one internet source that you are able to use twice. You may
use other online sources such as encyclopedias, books,
dictionaries, magazines, journals, articles, power points,
newspapers, lectures, videos, and atlas just to name a few. You
must use 5 different sources. I will only grade the first five
references on your reference page no matter how many you
have provided. It is ok you use additional resources to make
your paper 5 pages; however, the first five sources should be
used at least twice.

10. There should be no bullets, numbering, charts, graphs, or
diagrams throughout your paper (-1 point each time it is used).
Use paragraph format only.

11. Each page should be numbered using the complete title of
your paper which should be located at the top right corner as a
header along with the page number. Do not use acronyms,
short hand, abbreviations, or put your last or first name with the
year in the header. If your topic is Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome, the title page should be Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome 1 in the header and on page 2, Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome 2, and so on).. . There should be no extra spaces
between each paragraph or between the topic of your paper in
the right hand corner and a paragraph (-1 for every extra

12. Please place the content in the following order: cover
page, five pages of research, reference page, articles, library
form, and rubric (-5 if not in the correct order).

13. Please see your Projected Learning Schedule for the
due date and time. I WILL NOT ACCEPT A LATE PAPER.
You may submit your paper early if you are not going to be here.
Your paper will be -20 per day if your paper is late plus
you will not receive any extra points if any have been
rewarded to the other students.