Civil Engineering |
* when you finish from my assignment i have to submit in turnitin and that website its looking or searching in my assignment words if i taken from any resource of ( internet, students , books, newspaper …) so you have be careful in that to not become higher then 10%.
* i will attach the question also .
QEAD Rev:03 ver 01 9th July 2017 Template A 1
Caledonian College of Engineering Course Work
Name of the programme
BEng (GCU) (Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering) Name of Module with Code
Construction Technology (M1K221708) Level/Semester & AY
Level 1/Semester B- 2018 Name of the Module Leader/Tutor
Mohamed Abdul Nasir &
Mr. Ramakrishna Menon K Coursework Type
Site Visit Report Assessment weightage
30% Type and date of submission
To acquire knowledge and understanding of the concept of building and envelopes with an emphasis on the sub-structure and superstructure. Learning Outcomes
To apply the basic concepts of building design to develop a sustainable building design for any given location.
To introduce about the site location and project.
To identify the type of foundation for the structure.
To identify the type of construction and parts of structures.
To apply the concept of structures like substructure and superstructure.
Visit a construction site of a low rise building such as a single or double storied building or villa in your area and describe the method of construction followed for the substructure, superstructure and the service elements.
1. Give a detailed Introduction about the structure by including the following:
Location of site,
Type of structure,
Short description of project,
Name of client and contractor,
Type of construction (Framed or Load Bearing).
2. Identify and explain the Foundation selected for the structure and give reasons for choosing the foundation for this structure.
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3. Describe briefly the function and the construction aspects (viz. Size, Type, Material Specifications) of the Superstructure components namely following;
Block work,
Doors and
4. Describe the following for the staircase which you have observed at the site.
Type of staircase
The floor to floor height,
Width of landing,
Draw manually the Plan and Sectional Elevation for the staircase.
5. Describe at least Two types of Wall finishes and Two types of Floor finishes commonly used in Oman. Write down detailed method of application of the finishes with material specifications.
6. References, Conclusions and Formatting
Marking scheme Component Description Weightage (%) 1 Introduction
10 2 Foundation
10 3 Superstructure
25 4 Staircase
15 5 Finishes
15 6 References, Conclusions And Formatting
15 Total
Guidelines for Report writing
1. The report should be around 1500 words neatly typed using any word processing software
2. Strengthen the report with pictures/figures/photographs.
3. Figures/photos:
Include figure numbers and captions below the photographs/ figures.
QEAD Rev:03 ver 01 9th July 2017 Template A 3
Proper referencing should be made for the drawings, pictures photos, documents and quotes, if it is taken from any other sources.
Decimal type notations will be used for numbering the figures/photos, tables and drawings and should be mentioned in the text properly.
In case of any plagiarism detected, penalty will be imposed leading to zero mark.
4. References are to be written in CCE Harvard referencing style.
5. Student has to attach TURNITIN originality report for plagiarism along with their report.
6. Use White A4 sheet, typed on both sides, Font – Arial, size 11, and line spacing – 1.5.
7. Paragraph alignments: Paragraphs – justified
8. Margin: Left 1.25”, top 1”, right 1” and bottom 1”
9. Main heading: Arial bold, font size 12, Uppercase
10. Sub heading: Arial bold, font size 12, Sentence case
11. Page number: The pages of the report will be designated by one set of Arabic numerical (1, 2, 3…etc.). These will be typed on the bottom center of the page.
12. Binding: The report must be bound using ‘tape’ type binder
1. Plagiarism is a serious offence. In case of any plagiarism detected, penalty will be imposed leading to zero mark. Policy and guidelines for dealing with plagiarism and malpractice in examination can be viewed by clicking:…
2. The course work shall be subject to plagiarism software check.
3. Course work should be submitted on time. College guidelines on late submission of coursework can be viewed by clicking:…
4. Course work should be submitted with an appropriate cover page, which can be obtained from the departmental assistant at the department.
5. Name, student identification and title of the course work to be written clearly and legibly on the cover page.
6. The completed course work is to be submitted to the departmental assistant on or before the deadline and record your name, date of submission and signature in the book with the departmental assistant.
7. For online submission of course work, pdf file with appropriate cover page mentioning name of student, student number and title of the course work should be uploaded using the submission link created and made available by the module leader.
Harvard Referencing (CCE Style) First Edition 2013 should be followed for both in-text and listing references. This downloadable document can be found in our CCE portal at:…