Capsim Simulation profile – Class Assignments Help

To familiarize yourself with the CapSim simulation and decision making process, individually complete the Rehearsal Tutorial. You will complete one round using the decisions suggested within the Rehearsal, then one round using your own decisions. The intent is for you to be familiar with the decision making process and begin to see how decisions impact business results before making decisions for the product you manage for your team.
Task Assignment Part 1: Complete the CapSim Rehearsal Tutorial
Register for CapSim using the instructions provided by your InstructorGo to the “Getting Started” item in the upper left hand menu of your CapSim DashboardView the Introductory Lesson VideoClick on the Rehearsal Tutorial in the middle of the top menuComplete steps 1 -4 (through a second round with your own decisions) by clicking on the green “Open Rehearsal Tutorial” that appears at the bottom of your screenComplete the Quiz in order to process roundscomplete the Situation Analysis