Campaign Addressing Stress among Students
Open the attached document and follow the instructions.
Application Length– your application should be no more than one page in length. There is no need to create a cover page. There is also no need to include a long header with your name, my name, and the class. That takes up unnecessary space on the page. In the header of the document you can place your name and application number and that should be fine.
Application submission– all applications are submitted to me via blackboard by 5 p.m. on the Friday of the week they are assigned
Application Lateness– Any applications turned in after 5 pm will loose 25% off their grade. Exceptions to that are one a case by case basis.
Grammar and punctuation– Submitted a response that is one paragraph in length will result in you loosing 20% off your grade. Proper grammar and punctuation is expected in your responses.
SafeAssign accepts
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